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a bola造句

"a bola"是什么意思  
  • " it ' s something that will happen every time we play away from home , but i remain calm , " he told a bola
  • “ i respect this club because they wanted me from juventus , but i am not here to earn money without playing , ” the former perugia and fiorentina man told newspaper a bola
  • According to portuguese newspaper a bola , the rossoneri sent scouts to watch st lvio in the arsenalists ' 3 - 0 win over sporting lisbon last weekend
    根据葡萄牙报纸的报道称,在上周,布拉加3 - 0击败里斯本竞技的比赛里,米兰派出了球探观察斯特尔维奥的表现。
  • It's difficult to see a bola in a sentence. 用a bola造句挺难的
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